In order to create a world where our choices, bodies and lives would not be framed by capitalism (and hetero-patriarchy), we need to re-imagine interpersonal relations, understandings of work and economy. Feminism, suppressed womenโs knowledges, queer practices and witchcraft are what we need to make this happen.
Join us for a dinner of wild vegetables and discussions on anti-capitalist practices, feminism and witchcraft as well as for schemes for queer-feminist, anti-capitalist futures.
We draw inspiration among other things from
– Witches of the past and present.
– The work of Silvia Federici and her argument, in particular, that the historical transition to capitalism required exploitation of reproductive work, womenโs bodies and sexuality as well as stigmatizing feminine knowledges and boosting gender hierarchies.
– Our gut feeling that queer and intersectional feminism should be the starting point for anti-capitalist critique.
– Queer and queering as a methodology for our struggles, also as a means to rethink the economy and alternatives to capitalism.
– Our experiences of the potential in esoteric practices like tarot and astrology as practices of caring, healing and strengthening our friendships.
5 pm Hang out and setting the communal dinner table
6 pm Food and brief intros to the themes
After the dinner, tarot readings and discussions
Bring your thoughts to share, your knowledge on and tools of witchcraft and some coins for for the dinner!
The event is organised by Witches Reading Capital in collaboration with Lymy.