Fall Clothing Swap + Drinks! (Oct 19)

Welcome to our fall clothing swap (with drinks!) on Saturday October 19 at 17-20!

The idea is simple: bring nice clothes to share and/or take cool clothes to wear. B–)

You’re also welcome to sit down for a drink while you wait for new arrivals.

Left-over clothes will be saved for the next clothing swap or donated away. You may also take your pieces back at the end of the clothing swap.

𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒸𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓅𝑜𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓈 𝓈𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓈 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓃𝒾𝓏𝑒𝒹

This event is part of Alakaupunki festival for grassroots level art & cultural spaces <3

Lymy & Tutkijaliitto Aperitivo Discussion: Borders, social reproduction and extractivism in the current conjuncture of capital and power. A discussion with Sandro Mezzadra, Daria Krivonos and Olivia Maury. 18.10 at 18-20.30

Borders are constantly in the making and provides a lens through which to examine the transformations of capitalism. In particular, the struggles over borders and migration, as well as the reproduction of migratory labour, form a central node in contemporary labour struggles always entangled with the lived experiences of racialisation, gender and class.

Approaches to capitalism beyond a strict economic demarcation, require a serious engagement with the ‘fleshy, messy, and indeterminate stuff of everyday life’ as Cindy Katz once described social reproduction. Social reproduction becomes pronounced in the increasingly extractive forms of capitalism and opens up as an important arena of social struggle, not least amidst ongoing border closures and military operations. The conversation draws on the discussants’ social research and investment in ongoing struggles to reflect on the current conjuncture of capital and power in the intersection of borders, social reproduction and extractivism.

The discussion starts at 18.30


Sandro Mezzadra’s recent work has centered on the relations between globalization, migration and capitalism, on contemporary capitalism as well as on postcolonial criticism. He participates in the ‘post-workerist’ debates being one of the founders of the website www.euronomade.info, and work as a Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Bologna.

Daria Krivonos is a researcher at the University of Helsinki, whose work deals with questions of racial capitalism, migration, and social reproduction focusing especially on postsocialism. She is involved in social projects and organising around migration and free movement.

Olivia Maury is involved in social projects on the intertwined topics of the border regime, migration and the gig economy, feminist thought and life in common. She works as a sociologist at the University of Helsinki and sits on the board of the Finnish Researchers’ Association (Tutkijaliitto).

The event is preceded by a Public lecture with Prof. Sandro Mezzadra 18.10.2024: A Conjuncture of War. Capital and Power in a Multipolar World at the University of Helsinki at 14-16.


Accessibility info / esteellisyystiedot

When entering Lymy through the front door, there are five steps leading downwards into the space. The front door is 79 cm wide. There are three steps up to the bathroom. The door to the bathroom is 64 cm wide. When passing the kitchen door there is a single three cm high step.

Lymyyn käydään sisään katutasosta alas viittä porrasta pitkin. Ulko-ovi on 79 cm leveä. Pieneen kylpyhuoneeseen noustaan kolmea porrasta pitkin. Kylpyhuoneen ovi on 64 cm leveä. Keittiön oven kohdalla on kolme cm korkea kynnys.

We ask everyone who comes to our space and events to not assume consent from anyone for anything, including being photographed.

Pyydämme kaikkia tilaamme ja tapahtumiimme tulevia olemaan olettamatta kenenkään suostumusta mihinkään, mukaan lukien valokuvattavaksi tulemiseen.

Lukupiiri: Karl Marx, Pääoma (alk. 8.10.)

Tervetuloa lukemaan Karl Marxin Pääoman ensimmäistä osaa Lymyssä (Pengerkatu 6)!

Ensimmäinen tapaamiskertaa on tiistaina 8. lokakuuta klo 17-19. Lukupiiri kokoontuu tästäeteenpäin joka toinen tiistai samaan kellonaikaan.

Ensimmäisellä kerralla kirjailija ja podcastaaja Pontus Purokuru alustaa Pääomasta ja miten sitä kannattaa lukea. Alustuksen jälkeen on tilaa kysymyksille ja keskustelulle Marxin lukemisesta.

Johdantona lukupiiriin voi halutessaan katsoa David Harveyn Pääomaa käsittelevän luentosarjan ensimmäisen osan:
Reading Marx’s Capital Vol 1 – Class 1, Introduction (2019)

Lukupiirin koollekutsujana toimivat Juho Narsakka ja Katri Jurvakainen.

Ensimmäisellä kerralla sovitaan kirjan lukutahdista ja lukupiirin yhteisistä käytännöistä. Osallistuminen ei edellytä aiempia pohjatietoja aiheesta – kiinnostus Marxin klassikkoa kohtaan riittää. Lukupiiri on suomenkielinen.

Jos lukupiiristä tulee kysyttävää etukäteen voi olla yhteydessä Juhoon sähköpostiin juhonana[ät]gmail.com

Clothing Swap + Drinks! (May 10)

Welcome to our spring clothing swap on Friday May 10 at 17-20 this time with drinks! The idea is simple: bring nice clothes to share and/or take cool clothes to wear. B–)

You’re also welcome to sit down for a drink while you wait for new arrivals.

Left-over clothes will be saved for the next clothing swap or donated away. You may also take your pieces back at the end of the clothing swap.

𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒸𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓅𝑜𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓈 𝓈𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓈 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓃𝒾𝓏𝑒𝒹

Lukupiiri huhti-toukokuu 2024: Toni Negri-Marx Beyond Marx (1979)

Luetaan yhdessä Toni Negrin kirja Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse. Lukupiiri alkaa tiistaina 9.4. klo 17:00 ja kokoontuu Lymyssä (Pengerkatu 6) kahden viikon välein.Ensimmäiselle kerralle luetaan kirjan johdannon ja ensimmäinen luku (Lesson One. The Grundrisse, an Open Work). Tervetuloa!

Kirjan PDF-versio löydät täältä.


This is an English translation of one of the most crucial documents in European Marxism since . . . well, since maybe ever. The work of Antonio Negri, as part of the variegated movement on the Italian left known most easily as Autonomia, brings to realization an overwhelming new set of possibilities in the theory and in practice of class struggle. No political movement in the world in the 1970’s opened up more revolutionary potential for liberation than the Italian Autonomia, and no expressions of its history exceed Negri’s in transformative power and conceptual brilliance.

Antonio “Toni” Negri (1933-2023) oli italialainen vallankumouksellinen, joka toimi autonomisissa yhteiskunnallisissa liikkeissä. Hänen autonomimarxilaisella ajattelunsa ja kirjansa ovat vaikuttaneet maailmanlaajuisesti. Voit lukea Negrin elämästä ja vaikutuksesta suomalaisiin liikkeisiin Komeetassa julkaistusta muistokirjoituksesta.

Friends’ Day Waffles (Feb 17)

On the Saturday after Friends’ Day we invite you to Lymy from 12–4 pm to join us in a casual celebration of friendship, camaraderie and love. We’ll sell vegan waffles and coffee drinks including our spicy seasonal specialty. 😈

“Friends do not share any ‘thing’ (an emergence, a law, a place, a taste): they are always already shared through the experience of friendship. Friendship is the sharing which precedes all sharing because what it shares is the simple fact of existing, life itself. And it is this partition without object, this original consent that constitutes politics.” — Giorgio Agamben, L’amitié (2007)

Support Weekend of Film Screenings for Solidarity Minded (Jan 26-28)

Lymy + Solidarity Minded present a support weekend of film screenings featuring independent shorts from Kurdistan (Iraq), Lebanon, and Ukraine – all of which are places where Solidarity Minded volunteered in 2023. DIY films from previous editions of the anticapitalist Copenhagen Underground Film Festival, the group from which SM was born out of, will also be featured in the programme. Solidarity Minded itself is a mutual aid collective providing free therapy and mental health support in places where it is scarce to non-existent.

In 2024, Solidarity Minded will collaborate with Repair Together and other local recovery and rehabilitation initiatives in Kyiv to provide free therapy, education, art, workshops, and cultural events for those impacted by the fascist full-scale invasion and temporary occupation. The collective anticipates reaching volunteers, journalists, displaced persons, LGBTQIA+ folks, veterans, active fighters, and more with its psychosocial support programmes.

To read more about SM, you can visit: solidarityminded.cargo.site/projects | Interested in joining the collective and volunteering? You can meet one member (Rayan) on the nights of the events or can contact us at: solidarityminded@riseup.net

Entry is donation based, and all funds raised will support basic living costs to make full-time, year round mutual aid on the ground possible. Solidarity Minded volunteers full time and has no other source of income, every penny counts and goes a long way! We recommend a donation in the range of 2 – 15 euros.


Friday 26th – Lebanon:

   18:30 doors open

   19:00 Perhaps Today [dir. Nadine Asmar / 6']

   19:30 There Must Be Something Wrong [dir. Karim Nadr / 17']

   20:00 Anywhere But Here [dir. Charbel Couchany / 7']

   20:30 In The Absence Of Light [dir. Charbel Chouchany / 6']

Saturday 27th – Kurdistan:

   18:30 doors open

   19:00 Qelershk (Raven) [dir. Shukri Mahmood / 2016 / Iraq / 21']

   19:40 My Clayey Conception [dir. Zanyar Muhammadineko / 2017 / Iran / 3']

   20:00 Evan: A Survivor’s Story [dir. Rafiqfuad Yarahmadi / 2018 / UK/Kurdistan / 18']

   20:30 Nu Jin (New Life) [dir. Veysi Altay / 2015 / Kurdistan / 48']

Sunday 28th – Ukraine:

   18:30 doors open

   19:00 Strong In Spirit  [dir. Slavik Bihun / 2018 / 23']

   19:45 Unavailable (Tera) [dir. Nikon Romanchenko / 2018 / 27']

   20:30 Charcoal  [dir. Anastasiya Maksymchuk / 2020 / 18']

Synopsis of films shown:

Films from Lebanon:

Perhaps Today / dir: Nadine Asmar / 6:20
A woman in Beirut repeats the same routine each day hoping for something different

There Must Be Something Wrong / dir: Karim Nadr / 17:10
In the midst of a pandemic, a Lebanese man experiences a dystopian isolation catalyzed by Kafkaesque technology and virtual relations

Anywhere But Here / dir: Charbel Couchany / 7:23
A young Lebanese man in Sicily is stuck in a surrealist loop… in his underpants

In The Absence Of Light / dir: Charbel Chouchany / 6:00
A failed actor in Georgia in his mid-20s is torn between joining a burgeoning resistance movement or to pursue his dream

Films from Kurdistan:

“Qelershk (Raven)”
Shukri Mahmood | 2016 | Iraq | 21′
A Yazidi painter who, after escaping ISIS captivity in 2014 but not their daily threats, continues devoting his life to art and portraying the living history and memory of his people in Kurdistan.

“My Clayey Conception”
Zanyar Muhammadineko | 2017 | Iran | 3′
A short video portrait of a Kurdish veteran of war who finds peace in his work with clay.

“Evan: A Survivor’s Story”
Rafiqfuad Yarahmadi | 2018 | UK/Kurdistan | 18′
After fleeing Kurdistan from ISIS as a journalist covering the Peshmarga front lines, this documentary (created and also directed by his translator) shows the difficulties of today’s asylum seeking process and the stress it bears on families who are kept apart by borders and unjust immigration practices.

“Nu Jin (New Life)”
Veysi Altay | 2015 | Kurdistan | 48′
Nu Jin is centered around a YPJ battalion in Kobane and tells the stories of the everyday women who have dedicated their lives wholly to revolution in the mid-2010s.

Films from Ukraine:

Strong In Spirit – 23:02 | Dir. Slavik Bihun (2018) | The harrowing survival story of one of the first political prisoners following Maidan and the Russian occupations of 2014. The documentary retells the corruption, false imprisonment and torture of Yuriy Yatsenko and the lengths in which he had to go to in order to survive and return home.

Unavailable (Tera) – 27:12 | Dir. Nikon Romanchenko (2018) | Lyuba works at a confectionery factory in a small town in the West, her son is in the war zone in the East of the country and there is no connection with him. Lyuba goes in search of his son in an unfamiliar territory.

Charcoal – 18:42 | Dir. Anastasiya Maksymchuk (2020) | “She draws with charcoal to get the memories out of herself, she parties hard to kill the taste of trauma, until one mysterious phone call forces her to face it all again. “Charcoal” has an aesthetics of a dark nightmare and is based on the interviews of Ukrainian political prisoners, documenting their experiences of captivity in the hands of the Russian occupants in Donbass.”

Burning Down the Gingerbread House (Dec 16)

“‘Burning Down the House’ […] was a metaphor for destroying something safe that entrapped you.” – David Byrne on the Talking Heads song title

Join us in celebration of the approaching winter solstice over some seasonal coffee drinks and pastries this coming Saturday (December 16) at Lymy (Pengerkatu 6) from noon to 4 pm.


Preorder a T-shirt to support Lymy!

Silkscreen print in 2 colors on Natural White Heavy Cotton for 25€. Send us an email with your preferred size to lymypaikka@gmail.com and we’ll give you the payment details. Pickup at Lymy (schedule to be confirmed later via email).

Not sure what size to get? Search for “Gildan Heavy Cotton size chart” and compare the measurements to your favourite fitting t-shirt.