Aperitivo with Pink & Black Helsinki on Jan 18

When: Jan 18, 6 – 10 pm

Where: Lymy, Pengerkatu 6, Helsinki

Lymy continues its series of monthly Aperitivo nights. We gather once a month to meet each other and enjoy some drinks and interesting conversation. Start your weekend with us at Lymy! Cash is queen. ♄

The first collective we will meet in 2019 is Pinkkimusta Helsinki / Pink & Black Helsinki✹

Pinkkimusta Helsinki on queeranarkistinen kollektiivi, joka toimii pÀÀosin HelsingissÀ. Vaikutamme anti-autoritÀÀrisen, feministisen ja trans- sekÀ muiden HLBTI- oikeuksia edistÀvÀn toiminnan risteyksessÀ.

Pink & Black Helsinki is a queer anarchist collective, active mostly in Helsinki. We organize in the crossroads of trans rights and other LGBTI issues, feminisms, and horizontal, anti-capitalist politics.

Kollektiivin jÀsenet puhuvat kokemuksistaan queeranarkistisessa toiminnassa ja kertovat queerin ja feminismin roolista anarkismissÀ, sekÀ anarkismin roolista feminismissÀ ja queer-aktivismissa.

Members of the collective will be talking about their experiences in the group and discussing about the role of queer and feminism in anarchism as well as anarchism within feminism and queer.

During the evening there will be a screening of a film on the groups occupation of the trans clinic.

Illan aikana esitetÀÀn videokooste ryhmÀn transpolin valtauksesta viime syksyltÀ.

You are warmly welcome to the Lymy aperitivo to hear more about Pinkkimusta Helsinki and spend a wonderful evening together!

The discussion will be held in Finnish and English with possibility of translation for both languages.


Rebellious Mourning – Talk by Cindy Milstein

Welcome to Lymy on Friday June 8 at 6 pm to hear about Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief (AK Press, 2017) from the editor of the book Cindy Milstein. After the presentation, we will continue the evening in Lymy! Bring cash for books and drinks. The event is in English.


“Rebellious Mourning uncovers the destruction of life that capitalist development leaves in its trail. But it is also witness to the power of grief as a catalyst to collective resistance.”—Silvia Federici, author of Caliban and the Witch

We can bear almost anything when it is worked through collectively. Grief is generally thought of as something personal and insular, but when we publicly share loss and pain, we lessen the power of the forces that debilitate us, while at the same time building the humane social practices that alleviate suffering and improve quality of life for everyone. Addressing tragedies from Fukushima to Palestine, incarceration to eviction, AIDS crises to border crossings, and racism to rape, the intimate yet tenacious writing in this volume shows that mourning can pry open spaces of contestation and reconstruction, empathy and solidarity.

Cindy Milstein is the author of Anarchism and Its Aspirations, co-author of Paths toward Utopia: Graphic Explorations of Everyday Anarchism, and editor of the anthology Taking Sides: Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of Liberalism.

More info on the book: https://www.akpress.org/rebellious-mourning.html

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/367213377132714/

Event in Tampere on June 9: https://www.facebook.com/events/330037710856208/


Accessibility info for Lymy:
The space is not wheelchair accessible, there are steps leading (downwards) into the space and three steps up to the restroom. We ask that everyone who enters the space not assume consent for anything from anyone, including being photographed.

Episode 3 – Why We Fail (Lymy @ FemF)

Welcome to the third episode of the Lymy podcast! This episode is a live recording of our talk at FemF, the Feminist forum in Helsinki with comrades from Allt Ă„t Alla Kvinnofront from Stockholm.

The subject of our conversation was reproductive and emotional labor in political collectives. Analyzing past projects we ask: how can we learn from failure and create long-lasting movements that give more than they take?

To our great pleasure, the room was packed, which is reflected in the sound, so please enjoy!

Recorded in October 2017 at FemF (femf.net) in Helsinki
Editing and sound by Ina
Photo by Niko Tii

Good Morning Syria * Moments Of War | Photo Exhibition

Lymy and YhdessĂ€ Rojavan Puolesta will be hosting a photo exhibition from 17-18.5. of photographs taken by Azad Ramazan over the last six months. The northern part of Syria known as the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is a part of the long war being waged in Syria. The area is the center of the so-called Rojava Revolution that follows principles of democracy, feminism, antifascism and self-defense. In Ramazan’s own words:

“I felt the need to go to Syria to fight for people torn apart by cultural genocide, a land that has long been a theater of war.
Man has reduced the environment to a fragile space where life has lost value, but democratic civilization resists and tries to bring stability back.
The strength of the people is observable by the energy of the martyrs released in the struggle, so Martyrs Don’t Die.
The motto that most resonates among the Kurdish people, and also poured into the Arabs, is “Resistance is Life”.
I wanted to take part in the revolution and defend it by any means necessary and if we want to reconquer something we must begin to regain the sense of our position. The women understood this.

The project was carried out in Northern Syria, between a Kurdish-populated area called Rojava (bordering Turkey) and in the (Arab) province of Deir Ezzor, with its desert and the Euphrates bank. The photos and videos were taken between October 2017 and March 2018, during the Syrian Civil War, particularly on the front where the Syrian Democratic Forces are fighting the Islamic State still.”

Good Morning Syria * Moments of War will be in Lymy from 17-18.5.
17.5 from 14-19 and 18.5 from 12-17.

Accessibility info:
The space is not wheelchair accessible, there are steps leading (downwards) into the space and three steps up to the toilet. The toilet is quite small, the door to the space and to the toilet are quite narrow. We ask that everyone who enters the space not assume consent for anything from anyone, including being photographed.

YhdessÀ Rojavan puolesta



HyvÀÀ huomenta Syyria * Sodan hetkiÀ

Lymy ja YhdessÀ Rojavan Puolesta jÀrjestÀvÀt 17.-18.5. valokuvanÀyttelyn, jossa on esillÀ Azad Ramazanin viimeisen kuuden kuukauden aikana ottamia valokuvia. Syyrian pitkÀÀn jatkunut sota on ulottunut myös Syyrian Kurdistaniksi kutsuttuun maan pohjoiseen osaan. TÀmÀ alue muodostaa keskuksen myös niin kutsutulle Rojavan Vallankumoukselle, mikÀ rakentuu demokratian, feminismin, antifasismin ja itsepuolustuksen periaatteiden ympÀrille. Ramazanin sanoin:

“Koin tarpeen lĂ€hteĂ€ Syyriaan, maahan joka on pitkÀÀn ollut sodan nĂ€yttĂ€mönĂ€, taistellakseni ihmisten puolesta, joita revittiin erilleen kulttuurisen kansanmurhan keinoin. Sota on pelkistĂ€nyt ympĂ€ristön hauraaksi tyhjyydeksi, missĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€ on menettĂ€nyt arvonsa, mutta silti demokraattinen sivilisaatio kamppailee vastaan, yrittĂ€en palauttaa elĂ€mĂ€n ja vakauden. TÀÀllĂ€ ihmisten voima voidaan havaita marttyyrien antamassa voimassa, mikĂ€ elÀÀ nyt toisissa ja vahvistaa heitĂ€ edelleen kamppailuissa. Marttyyrit todella ovat Kuolemattomia.

“Vastarinta on ElĂ€mĂ€â€, on ajatus, joka resonoi voimakkaasti Kurdien keskuudessa ja on levinnyt myös ArabivĂ€estön keskuuteen.

Halusin ottaa osaa tÀhÀn vallankumoukseen ja puolustaa sitÀ kaikin mahdollisin keinoin. Jos haluamme valloittaa jotain takaisin, meidÀn on alettava hahmottamaan omaa asemaamme kaiken keskellÀ. Rojavan naiset ymmÀrsivÀt tÀmÀn.

Valokuvaprojekti toteutettiin Pohjois-Syyriassa Turkin rajalla sijaitsevan kurdienemmistöisen Rojavan, sekĂ€ idempĂ€nĂ€ sijaitsevan arabienemmistöisen Deir Ezzorin provinssin alueilla. Valokuvat ja videot on kuvattu lokakuun 2017 ja maaliskuun 2018 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana Syyrian sisĂ€llissodan keskellĂ€, erityisesti Syyrian Demokraattisten Voimien (SDF) ja ISIS:n vĂ€lisellĂ€ rintamalla.”

HyvÀÀ huomenta Syyria * Sodan hetkiÀ -nÀyttely on nÀhtÀvillÀ LymyssÀ 17.-18.5.
17.5 aikana kello 14-19 ja 18.5 aikana kello 12-17.

Lymyn esteettömyystiedot:
Tilaan ei pÀÀse pyörÀtuolilla, sisÀÀn kÀydÀÀn katutasosta portaita pitkin ja pieneen vessaan noustaan paria porrasta pitkin. PyydÀmme tilaan tulevien olemaan olettamatta kenenkÀÀn suostumusta mihinkÀÀn, mukaan lukien valokuvatuksi tulemiseen.


YhdessÀ Rojavan puolesta


Episode 2 – Powering the Fight

Welcome to the second episode of the Lymy podcast! This episode is a continuation of episode 1. We, some members of Lymy (Joanna, Mikael, Olivia, Niko Tii and Ina) continue to talk about how the project started and what we have been doing. A lot of things have changed since recording this but the discussions are still relevant for what we do today. And stay tuned for more to find out what Lymy is up to today!

Recorded in June 2017 in Helsinki
Editing and sound by Ina
Photo by Mikael and Niko Tii


Whose Gym? Our Gym – Benefit Lunch for Self-Organized Gym on Feb 18

Whose Gym? Our Gym! – Benefit Lunch for Self-Organized Gym

Suomeksi alla

Time: Sunday February 18 from 12 pm till food lasts (check our social media)

Place: Lymy (Pengerkatu 6, street level space in the middle of the block, Helsinki)

Price: 15-1000€ (everything vegan, gluten-free options)


– mexican style lentil soup

– bread, nachos, blackbean spread

– quesadillas, seitan chorizo or spicy tofu, salad

– hibiscus drink

– chocolate cake with coffee or tea

Continue reading “Whose Gym? Our Gym – Benefit Lunch for Self-Organized Gym on Feb 18”

Episode 1 – Connecting People

Hello friend,

Welcome to the first episode of the Lymy podcast! In this episode we, some members of Lymy (Joanna, Mikael, Olivia, Niko Tii and Ina) talk about how the project started and what we have been doing. A lot of things have changed since recording this but the discussions are still relevant for what we do today.

The second episode, which is a direct continuation of this discussion will be released soon. And stay tuned for more to find out what Lymy is up to today!

Recorded in June 2017 in Helsinki
Editing and sound by Ina and Niko Tii
Gif by Niko Tii

New year, new Lymy <3 Grand opening!

Friday January 19th from 6pm, Pengerkatu 6

As many of you have noticed, Lymy has undergone some changes during the fall of 2017, the biggest is our new space and address! We want to invite you to celebrate the new space with us on Friday 19.1.2018 at 18.00. We will also talk a little about plans and what will be going on at Lymy this winter and spring.

Some snacks and beverages will be served, please bring cash!



Accessibility info:
Unfortunately the space is not wheelchair accessible, there are steps leading (downwards) into the space and three steps up to the toilet. The toilet is quite small, the door to the space and to the toilet are quite narrow.

We are sorry about this and will be looking into making the space more accessible, so tips are welcome!

We ask that everyone who enters the space not assume consent for anything from anyone, including being photographed.

Rojava-nÀyttely | Rojava-exhibition

Rojavan vallankumous tÀyttÀÀ viisi vuotta kesÀllÀ 2017. Pohjois-Syyrian demokraattinen konfederalismi perustuu kolmeen peruspilariin, jotka ovat suora demokratia, ekologia ja naisten vapautus. NÀyttelyssÀ perehdytÀÀn naisten rooliin vallankumouksessa ja arjen uudelleenrakentamiseen videoiden avulla.

NÀyttely on nÀhtÀvÀnÀ Lymy-tilassa kolmena pÀivÀnÀ ja se on osa Mustaa Kalliota https://mustakallio.noblogs.org/. Tilassa on turvallisemman tilan periaatteet.

NÀyttely on avoinna keskiviikkona ja torstaina klo 14-19. Avajaiset pidetÀÀn tiistaina klo 20-22.

Lymyn esteettömyystiedot: Etuovella on kaksi porrasta. Tilaan pÀÀsee myös rappukÀytÀvÀn kautta, missÀ ei ole portaita. RappukÀytÀn sisÀÀnkÀynnissÀ on 5cm korkea kynnys. RappukÀytÀvÀÀn pÀÀsee ainoastaan sisÀkautta. Tilassa on kapea wc, johon ei mahdu pyörÀtuolilla. LÀhin yleinen wc löytyy muutaman sadan metrin pÀÀssÀ, VÀinö Tannerin kentÀltÀ.


YhdessÀ Rojavan puolesta



Rojava exhibition

The Rojava revolution is celebrating 5 years in the summer of 2017. The democratic confederalism of Northern Syria is based on the main values of direct democracy, ecology and women’s liberation. The exhibition will look into the role of women in the revolution and the rebuilding of everyday life through videos.

The exhibition takes place in Lymy during three days and it is part of Musta Kallio https://mustakallio.noblogs.org/. The space follows the safer space policy.

The exhibition is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 2pm to 7 pm. The opening is on Tuesday from 8pm-22pm.

Lymy’s accesibility info: In the main entrance there are two stairs. If you need a stairless access, there is a back entrance to the space through the stairway. There is a 5cm threshold in the stairway entrance. This entrance only opens from the inside. The toilet in the space is small, and unfortunately not accessible for a wheelchair. There is a public toilet some hundred meters away, at the VĂ€inö Tanner -field.

YhdessÀ Rojavan puolesta


How to Start a Sunday – Lymy’s Late Breakfast

Sunday March 26th 11 am – 2 pm, HĂ€meentie 30

Gluten-free and vegan

Juice shot (apple, carrot, beetroot, ginger, celery)
Pealette with mock bacon and marinated black beans (chickpea, soy flake, black bean, onion, garlic, tomato, arugula, pumpkin seed, chives)
Coffee / tea (double espresso, macchiato, cappuccino / black, green or herbal)

7€ (cash only)

PS. Check this page for updates on food or space running out!

PPS. We’ll also be selling the Kuinka tuli sytytetÀÀn -pamphlet for 4€.

Accessibility info:
Lymy is wheelchair and stroller accessible through the side door, ask someone to guide you in. The closest wheelchair accessible restroom is a public restroom next to the Haapaniemi football field. We ask that everyone who enters the space not assume consent for anything from anyone, including being photographed.

Continue reading “How to Start a Sunday – Lymy’s Late Breakfast”